We heard those words over and over this past Sunday afternoon at our annual Fall Fest. Once again so many people showed up and had a great time filling their candy bags, getting a pony ride, riding the (new) Ferris Wheel, and eating some of the amazing food our vendors had to offer. And best of all, it was all free to everyone who showed up. That’s why, after the amazement of not being able to pay for it, came a big “Thank You” from so many people. Therefore, our purpose of connecting with and blessing our community with this event was definitely accomplished. Sometimes we go to where people are; sometimes we invite people to join us where we are; and sometimes it’s both.
I’d like to give a big “Thank You” to several groups of people as well. To all of you who showed up and so generously helped with your time and energy all afternoon – “Thank you.” To all of you who invited someone to the Fall Fest – “Thank You.” To those of you who have so generously donated funds to cover the cost of the food trucks – “Thank You.” To those of you who prayed for the event and for the people who attended – “Thank You.” To Becky Stutzman, Andrea Wagler, and their Special Events Team (along with our staff) who planned and organized the event – “Thank You.”
I continue to be amazed at our church family and how we all come together to carry out the mission of reaching more people in our community for Jesus. Just think, if even just one person eventually comes to Jesus because of Sunday’s event, there’s going to be celebration in Heaven. That’s why we spend all of that time, energy, and resources for events like these – that even one person (hopefully more) will commit their life to following Jesus.
Speaking of Becky Stutzman, our Administrator; she will be taking some well-deserved time off for the month of November. For any administrative matters please contact Mary Troyer at the Church office.
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