Repetition: Let us not forget the repetition the Holy Spirit revealed to us on Sunday. Last week the Holy Spirit, through Pastor Rick, led us to the Father. This week the Spirit took us right back. The Father’s heart for His children is revealed through the entire narrative of the Bible and we are not removed from that story. From the beginning, He has desired to be in a relationship again with His creation, us. What an amazing example Jesus was and is to the body of Christ about what it looks like to prioritize this relationship by being alone with His Abba (God as Father).
One of the coolest things about having a relationship with Jesus is having a relationship with His Father and this Sunday we got to hear from Him! Is there a better way to end a church service other than hearing directly from God? What a joy it was to see hands raised around the room when we asked the Lord to reveal to us specifically how we can spend time with Him! So I ask you this, did you do it? Did you spend time with the Father the way He revealed? Did you go watch the sunset and find a heart of gratitude for our Creator? Did you bake some sweet treats reminding you of the sweet heart the Father has for you? Did you go for a run with Him or work out with Him setting in stone that He is your strength? How amazing it is that He wants to be a part of our everyday life. I encourage you to not just do this one time but to make this an everyday practice. Our Heavenly Father is strong, encouraging, kind, loving, just, an instructor, constant, near, and personal. Be blessed by the truest Father, our Heavenly Father.
-Jarrett Shamp, High School Youth Director
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