This past Sunday we started a new series, “BETTER TOGETHER.” In a time when so many things in our lives are changing and transitioning it’s important to find some security and stability. That is exactly what the church should be for everyone involved. But that doesn’t automatically happen just because we show up for a Sunday Morning Service.
“BETTER TOGETHER” is designed to help each one of us understand and practice the habits that help us to be Better Together. A healthy church family is a very powerful and life-changing experience, but is doesn’t happen by accident. It requires each person involved to embrace their part of the family. Each member of the Church Family is vitally important and has a significant role in the family.
The Bible describes the church as the Body of Christ. Just as each of our body parts are vital to our functioning and health, so too each member of the Body of Christ is vital and necessary to its health and effectiveness as a church.
During this series we will explore how being together is so much better than trying to do it all alone. When we embrace the fact that we do need each other and what loving each other looks like, that is, serving each other, praying together, and growing together; then we begin winning together and will experience the church family the way God intended. I’m so looking forward to seeing Abundant Life Church move forward into what God has for us in 2025!
Let’s do this TOGETHER.
-Pastor Vern