How long can you hold your breath?
Have you ever been desperate for something? Maybe the best example of individual desperation is when we try to hold our breath as long as we can. At first, it’s easy, relatively simple. However, the longer we go, the more focused we become on our “next breath”. Eventually that next breath is all we think about, and our body is so desperate for oxygen that it’s the only thing we think about.
In Mark chapter 5, we read the story of Jarius the leader of the local synagogue. The synagogue was the hub of activity in the community similar to our modern-day church buildings. Jarius had a crisis on his hands. His daughter was sick and near death. He had undoubtedly heard stories about Jesus and testimony of the miracles that had taken place. But, he had also heard the Pharisees paint a different picture with their own opinions of who Jesus was. You can imagine the inner struggle he must have been feeling. On one hand, the individuals that he was most closely associated with, the Jewish leaders, were plotting ways to get rid of Jesus. On the other hand, he was hearing powerful stories and probably had heard Jesus himself teach. The truth was beginning to sink in.
Eventually Jarius believed Jesus was who he claimed to be and desperation had driven him to the only option he had. JESUS. Jarius sought Jesus, and when he found him, he fell at his feet in worship pleading for him to come heal his daughter. Jesus followed him without questions.
While walking to the house of Jarius, some people came to tell Jarius is daughter had died. It was too late, don’t bother Jesus any further. At this moment Jarius was at a crossroad. Either listen to his friends and give up or trust and continue on with Jesus. Jesus, knowing he needed encouragement, immediately reassured Jarius to “not fear, but only believe”. They continued on and Jesus raised Jarius’s daughter from death to life!
I’ll leave you with these thoughts.
Jesus is even more important to us than oxygen. We need Him more than we need our next breath. Jarius showed bold faith in a moment of desperation and found a Savior. We, too, can have the same bold faith in the face of adversity and distraction.
It is never too late, and all things are possible when Jesus is in the house!
Have a powerful, bold week!
-Jon Gould, Middle School Youth Director
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