At this very moment 81% of American adults say they believe in God. On the surface that sounds very encouraging. I mean, if that many people in our country believe in God, then why are things such a mess, and why is there so much crime, corruption, and evil all around us? Shouldn’t it be the opposite?
Yes, it should, but unfortunately there is an explanation for this dichotomy – maybe several explanations.
There is a big difference between knowing about God and knowing God – between believing that God is real and living your life as if He is real. We also call that the difference between Religion and a relationship with God. It’s not until we allow God to become “Real” in our lives that we truly begin to live the kind of life God meant for us to live – the Abundant Life! It means that I entrust my life into God’s hands, and I do my best to obey everything He instructs me to do. God becomes real to us when we allow Him to go from the “Idea” of God to having a “Relationship” with Him.
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