This past Sunday we took a dive into what it looks like to make God great in our lives. It takes a humble heart. A heart that allows the Holy Spirit to explore and navigate the depths of what is inside, bringing to light what may be hidden. A heart giving Him access to remove even the littlest things, things we may think are insignificant.
I know it can be intimidating being exposed but remember the character of God when we do this. He is loving, forgiving, and righteous, and we can come before the throne boldly because of the finished work of Christ! Setting our fleshly desires aside to see the Kingdom come. Working with Him to see the ministry of Christ flourish in the world. What a beautiful partnership we get to have with God. And in that relationship, we get to live in total freedom. Not only do we find freedom in making God greater, but we also find purpose, calling, and everlasting life. When we elevate His purpose above our own, He leads us down paths of righteousness, and we honor him in our walk.
Let us remember that its not about method or a religious duty, but its about knowing God and making God known. I encourage us as a church to be a humble congregation, letting the beautiful words of John 3:30 resonate in our lives. “He must become greater; I must become less.”
-Jarrett Shamp, High School Director
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