Have you ever believed in something so strongly that there was no way anyone could change your mind, and you’d be willing to be persecuted for that belief? Whether you realize it or not, there are most likely several things you believe in that fall into one of those categories. The issue is – are those beliefs based on truth and facts, and are they really worth that level of conviction? Some are; some aren’t. Among the many convictions you can have, there is one that should be at the top of the list, if you are a Follower of Jesus Christ. That is - what you think and believe about the Church.
We all know that the “Church” is not perfect, and it doesn’t always get it right. But, if you think about it, there aren’t very many things in life that are perfect and get it right all the time. But the Church, “Followers of Jesus Christ together," is God’s idea, and it’s His plan and purpose for reaching the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. After all, He is the One who started it and chose to use imperfect people to do the most important task on the earth. If Jesus was willing to love and give his life for the Church, then maybe I should at least have the same kind of conviction about it!
I totally believe in the Church! I have committed the past 35 of my life to serving God in full-time ministry in the Church. It is a strong conviction I live by because of God’s calling on my life to do so. Even if God releases me from that role, I will continue to have that same conviction about the Church. That’s why it bothers me deeply when people and leaders of today so strongly criticize the Church as if it has become irrelevant or completely useless.
Remember, the Church is so much greater than any one person, any one doctrine, or any one denomination. The true Church is the Body of Jesus Christ on this earth to carry out the mission of “Seeking and saving the Lost!” It is Strong; it is Powerful, and nothing is going to stop it!
As a matter of fact:
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