In John 14:1-3 Jesus tells his Disciples to not let their hearts be troubled. If I didn’t know any better I’d think he was talking to us today. Those are the exact words that we all need to hear right now – Don’t let your hearts be troubled. That’s easy for you to say, Jesus, after all – you’re God!
Well, we also know that God never tells us to do anything we can’t do – with his help. What does Jesus do to help us be able to have untroubled hearts?
It’s pretty simple. Right after he tells us to not have troubled hearts, he tells us how: Trust in God and trust in me! It’s that simple. The more you put your trust in God for everything in your life, the more peace and joy you will have. You take all of those worries, cares, and the things you are all stressed out about and simply put them into God’s hands and say, “Here you go God, it’s all yours.”
Then, Jesus follows it up with what I think is even more exciting – He says that’s he’s going up to the Father, to prepare a heavenly home for us, and when the time is right, he’s coming back to us to take us home with him. That is the Eternal Home in Heaven we are all looking forward to experiencing. That fact alone gives me a sense of hope and peace that supersedes any worries, cares, and stresses I have in this life. Waking up every morning with the thought that today could be the day just makes my day. I hope it does yours as well.
Trust God and look for the return of Christ. It’s a good day!
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