If you have been to one of our services the past two Sundays you have experienced the beginning of a vision that has been coming together for several years now. Though our new auditorium recently appeared to be finished, we were able to finally begin using it two weeks ago. This kind of facility has been in our hearts from the day we moved to this campus – 17+ years ago. So, if we seem a bit excited at the moment, it is for good reason.
Moving into the new auditorium is the first step in our completion process. Our next focus is on the foyer area. Over the next weeks and months you will begin to see some of that progress. There will be new flooring, furnishings, a cafe, sound panels, and eventually new restrooms. These are all a part of the “add-ons” that were not a part of the original budget; but, over the past 2 years, additional funds have been given toward the completion of these projects.
We give all the praise and glory to God our Father who has been our guide and our provider throughout this whole process. All of this is because of Him, it is for Him, and it is from Him. Therefore, we are committed to using it for His honor and His glory as we do our very best to point people to Jesus Christ and Make Room for them as they come and become a part of the Abundant Life Church Family.
I want to thank the ALC Family and the Elder Team for allowing me (and Laurie) to have a Sabbatical this past summer. After a fairly intense season of ministry (2019-), it was good to unplug from our daily ministry responsibilities and take some time to relax, refresh, and regroup. Laurie and I did some traveling, visiting friends and family, and enjoying moments of simply relaxing with no agenda. Our grandson and I did a section hike (backpacking) on the Appalachian Trail through the Shenandoah National Park. I also had some time to study, write a bit, and to hear from God. It was a much needed and appreciated away time for us.
Thank You.
-Pastor Vern
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