We are currently commemorating and living out the week between Palm Sunday, the day Jesus rode into Jerusalem, and Easter Sunday, the Day Jesus was raised back to life. It is often called, “Holy Week”, “Great Week”, “Easter Week”, or “Passion Week.” I like the title of Passion Week because it represents the ultimate test and expression of the love Jesus had for each one of us.
When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the Palm Sunday, he knew exactly what he was about to face and go through that Thursday and Friday. Yet, he gracefully and willingly chose to go through with it. WHY? I could go through a list of theological reasons why Jesus willingly did what he did, but the bottom line is this – Because he loved us so much that he was willing to, not only endure, but to embrace what was before him. That’s why I like to call it “Passion Week.”
For Jesus this was most likely one of the most difficult weeks of his life here on earth, but for us, knowing the outcome of the Sunday, we can experience this week with a sense of reflection as well as joy. That is exactly how Jesus experienced it. Hebrews 12:2b tells us, Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne. Knowing that the end result of what He experienced this week meant our freedom and salvation, Jesus faced it with JOY!
That’s why you can also face your difficult situations with a sense of Joy – because of the blessings on the other side! Happy Passion Week. We’ll see you this Sunday morning.
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