One of the things in life that you can always count on is that there will times of trials, troubles, and yes – even some suffering along the way. And, as much as we try to avoid them, they just have a way of finding us, and usually when we’re the least prepared for them. We know that God is always right there with us to help and guide us through these difficult times. One of those tools to help us, not only survive the challenges, but to actually thrive and come out better on the other end, is Joy.
Choosing to accept and express the “Joy of the Lord” not only serves to help us cope, but to face the difficulties of life with a sense of confidence and hope. Joy not only puts a smile on our face, but it also becomes the “Strength of our Hearts”. When everything around us feels like it’s falling apart, Joy becomes that constant source of light and strength to help us rise above the chaos and to stand on a firm foundation. Therefore, like it says in 1 Peter rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy.
Ask God to fill you with His never-ending unexplainable Joy!
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