As we live our lives to honor God and to follow Jesus, we realize that deep down inside each one of us is a God-given desire to impact the lives of people around us – to make a difference. This should come as no surprise to us. After all, Jesus told us that we ARE Salt and Light (Matthew 5:13-16). Both of those are meant as a way to impact the people around us with the Good News of Jesus Christ. For us as Believers, to influence people for Jesus should be as natural as breathing.
Using our lives to make a difference to the people around us includes the words we speak to them and with them, our attitude as we experience life, our work ethic, our willingness to serve them, and how we invite them to experience what we have – a relationship with Jesus Christ. The way we live our lives should represent Jesus in a way that makes people want to join us. That is why Peter says, “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have, doing so with gentleness and respect.” (1 Peter 3:15)
This is the heartbeat of Abundant Life Church. Over the past 25 years, God has used us to Make A Difference in the lives of people in the Sarasota community and beyond. It is not an accident that, when given the opportunity, on an average Sunday 5+ people make a decision to believe in Jesus Christ. Whether it was their first Sunday at ALC, or they have been attending for a while, we never want to take it for granted.
As we wrap up our Sermon Series this coming Sunday – JOY IN THE DIFFICULTY – one of the most powerful ways for us to experience joy is when we help someone else experience their own Joy in Salvation. It’s a win-win for everyone involved. The more we focus on Making a Difference in the lives of others, the more joy we ourselves will experience.
Let’s be Salt and Light and share some Joy!
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