It’s that time of the year again – the temperature is showing signs of cooling, the fall leaf colors are beginning to change (just not here), and Fall Festivals are beginning to ramp up – including at Abundant Life Church. For a number of years now we have taken advantage of this opportunity by inviting the families of our community onto our campus to simply bless them with the love of Jesus, and many people of our community have come to participate. We provide a safe and free environment for families to come and simply enjoy themselves, while we as a church family have the privilege to serve and encourage them. Did I mention that it’s completely FREE for people to attend? We have several very generous people who believe in these events and help to cover some of the costs. Thank you!
Not only are these Outreach Events a blessing for the people of our surrounding community, but they also present an amazing hands-on opportunity for us as a Church Family to participate in the mission of our church – “To help people discover & develop new life in Jesus Christ.”
Most of the time this statement is more of a motto that we dismiss as, “I’m sure someone is taking this seriously.” But what if we all did? Well, we can!
By simply showing up and volunteering to serve at the Fall Festival you will be helping ALC to reach more people for Jesus. We may not see instant results of people beginning to attend our church, but it is simply a way to plant some seeds that someday God will use to help bring a harvest of salvation to their lives. A “Fall Festival” may not be your thing, but sharing the love of Jesus with our community should be, and what a great opportunity to take a situation that the world often uses for their own activity and use it to give them Jesus.
You can sign up to serve by emailing –
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