We are in the final weeks of our new building project. Along with making plans for our first Sunday in our new auditorium and lobby (hopefully June 2), we are excited about our 25th Anniversary Celebration Sunday, May 19. We will be Praising God for his goodness and his faithfulness to us for the past 25 years, as well as looking forward to another amazing 25 years of changed lives at Abundant Life Church. We will take some time to look back and reminisce about what we have experienced and where we have come from. Some of you have been here at ALC from the very beginning, while many of you have become a part of the ALC Family in more recent days and years.
One of the final, yet big, elements of the building process is our new landscaping plan which includes lots of new trees to be planted (127+/- to be more exact). Therefore, we need as many people, hands, and shovels as possible this coming Saturday, May 11, starting 8:00, to help with this project. It will be a great time of hard work and fellowship as well as being very helpful in moving us closer to the end of the construction process and the final permitting to be able to use our new facility. Whether you can help for the entire time or for an hour or two, it is very welcomed and will be helpful in finishing the project. Show up with your shovel and gloves!
Thank you Abundant Life Church family for your cooperation and patience during our building process. We’ve had to get creative with the entrances and exits of our services as well as with our temporary patio. We’ve had to make some last-minute adjustments at times because of unexpected developments in the building process. Our excitement for our new addition has given us all a special tolerance and grace over the past year. So, THANK YOU for so graciously enduring this time of often inconveniences. I’m reminded of Galatians 6:9, “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.”
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