Thank you to everyone who played a part of Sunday’s Fall Festival. You all did an amazing job of serving, inviting, praying, and simply showing up. We don’t have the final numbers of people who attended but we do know that there were lots and lots of people that were there.
Over and over again we had compliments and “Thank You” for putting on this event. One comment I received really put an exclamation point on it for me. They said, “It’s obvious that your church cares about the families of our community.” Yes, we do! That is one of the main reasons we do our special events – to simply love on people and help them move closer to Jesus.
The other powerful part of the Fall Festival was the fact that it was All FREE!
Thankfully we have several people at ALC that share the vision of these special events and generously contribute so that we can offer all of the food without charge. I talked to one family that is still without power from the storm and said that to be able to be here and to eat good warm food was such a blessing. Many more stories of people who were truly blessed because of what we did. If you share our vision you are welcome to financially contribute toward these events so that we could potentially do them even bigger and better.
Beginning this coming Sunday we will begin a brand-new series called “Faith Strong.” This title might sound a bit unique, but it actually refers to the fact that you and I can not only have a strong faith, but we can be strong in our faith. Will your Faith in God be strong even when everything around you seems to be falling apart? Will your Faith stay strong when you face a sudden crisis or a tragedy? Will your Faith stay strong when the most important people in your life hurt you or disappoint you? Will your Faith in God be strong when the election – both the people and the issues – don’t go the way you were hoping and praying? Like the old hymn says, “On Christ the solid Rock I stand...”
-Pastor Vern
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