One of the key areas of impact and influence we all have is with our church family. God has put each of us together as a family called Abundant Life Church. Each of us has an important place and an important role to play in this family. Our responsibility to the Family is to be fully involved in each other’s lives to encourage, to comfort, to serve, and to challenge each other toward a life of faith and freedom.
God has given each of us at least one Spiritual Gift to help us be more effective and confident in our serving each other. God uses each one of us to help each other as we do life together and as we work together to reach more people for Jesus. Who are the people that God has put around you that need you to step up and get involved in their lives?
If you have attended any of the services in our new auditorium you’ve most likely noticed the new design and arrangement of the seats. Because of our lot size, parking regulations, and budget restrictions, we have a limited amount of square footage in the auditorium which means that we need to maximize the amount of chairs in the room. This will limit the number of aisles and increase the number of chairs in each row. As we move into the winter season we will need to add more chairs which also means longer rows and less aisle space.
Here's where you come in. To Make Room for more people, we need to be able to fill the rows more efficiently. We need your help in making sure that our guests and newer people can comfortably find a seat(s) when they enter the room. You can do your part by finding your seat(s) toward the middle of the rows. The quicker we can fill the center of the rows the more people we can seat in the chairs and more comfortably seat everyone that attends our services. This is one of those simple ways we can all do our part in fulfilling our mission by Reaching More People For Jesus.
-Pastor Vern
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