As we look at scripture we see that, ever since creation and now all throughout history, God has done and continues to do some totally unexpected and unexplainable things in the world and in our lives. Even now, we can see His mighty hand at work all around – if we look for them. But there is another component to what and how God works in our lives. That is where we come in. God responds to our obedience and our prayers as they line up with His will for our lives and for what He’s doing in the world around us.
As you most likely have noticed, we are in an Election Season here in the US. With all the rhetoric and hype surrounding the Presidential Election this year the noise is loud, the tensions are high, and the stakes are even higher. We know from scripture that ultimately God puts leaders in and out of their place of power and position (Daniel 2:21). We also know that because of His sovereignty nothing happens that is out of God’s knowledge and control.
But there’s also an Our Part to this situation.
Because we live in the USA, we have the privilege and the responsibility to participate in the process of choosing our leaders – we do this by Voting. So here is my thought when it comes to this (and any) election. First of all, PRAY! Pray for wisdom and understanding as to whom and what to vote for. Secondly, Discern! What are the issues and who are the candidates that best reflect my understanding of Biblical Values? This is a tough one at times, because often, even the best legislation and people don’t perfectly line up with scripture. Then what? Pray some more and trust God.
Remember, there is only one perfect King – King Jesus, and only one kingdom that will perfectly reflect God’s values – the Kingdom of God. After that, we all fall short! And though God will use our leaders and our votes to bring about His will, don’t lose sight of the fact that Jesus is the only Hope for our Salvation, our Nation, and our World!
Psalm 62:1-2 “I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken.”
-Pastor Vern
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