In our latest sermon series, WHEN THE TRUTH SETS YOU FREE, we’ve been looking at the reason so many of us struggle with issues and situations in life that often turn into what we often call “Bondages” or “Strongholds.” Even though we usually do a pretty good job of making bad decisions and making a mess of things on our own, we have to recognize that we have an enemy that wants to mess up and create as much chaos and destruction in our lives as he possibly can. The Bible calls him by many names – the Devil, Satan, The Deceiver, a Liar, etc. And, even though we shouldn’t  focus our attention on him, we don’t want to be ignorant of his presence and his strategy to influence our lives away from God and all that His Kingdom brings us. 

1 Peter 5:8-9a tells us to, Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith...

One of the keys to experiencing freedom from the truth is to also know the truth about the source of our struggles and how to be free from those influences. This journey we are taking together the next several weeks will provide the foundation for each one of us to evaluate our life situations and, through the truth of Jesus Christ, be set free from all the things that are keeping us from experiencing the Abundant Life that Jesus came to give each one of us.

-Pastor Vern
